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Welcome to

"School of Worship"

John 4:24 (KJV)

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.


This program is designed to train worshipers to live a holy lifestyle before and after public ministry takes place. It is my sincerest desire to train worshipers in fighting their battles in prayer as well as training technically in dance ministry! This program is for those who dance and those who do not. Here we present to you a well balanced meal of biblical teachings as well as dance technique training. 

School of Worship is a 1 year intensive praise dance course
Untitled (Facebook Post (Landscape)) (Announcement).png
Prophetess Racheal Frazier
Senior Administrator of School of Worship

25 Y
ears Born Again
32 Years Dance Experience
25 Years Praise Dance Experience
School of Worship is a 9 month online Bible based discipleship and dance course. 

We serve students internationally and women with busy lives who may not be able meet at a certain day and time each week and because of this all classes are pre recorded so you can watch them anytime at your own convenience. 

Each week you can expect to receive a new Bible Class, Technique Training Class, a Memory Scripture, to pray , and fast. This course is a timed course with weekly homework assignments.

You will be assigned a prayer partner, and meet with the school's director monthly.
After completing this 9 month course you'll be rewarded for your hard work with a graduation where you will be awarded a certificate of completion and a pink crested School of Worship blazer in a fabulous ceremony!
School of Worship Graduate

Dallas, TX

School Of Worship is the best decision I ever made to revitalize my worship through dance, and live in holiness at the same time. A true intensive to get the worshipper, to worship and live in spirit and in truth. Amazing accountability and support. I love the sisterhoods you form as a bonus, because you become apart of the school of worship family. I’m forever grateful I signed up and you will be too 🙌🏾

School of Worship Graduate


School of Worship (with Minister Racheal Frazier) have been a life changing journey that has strengthened my mind, body and spirit by stretching me beyond myself, causing me to go deeper in my relationship with the Father (God). Also I've become a more equipped and effective Minister /Dance Leader, choreographer teacher. Most of all to better understand and accept Me.

School of Worship Graduate

Round Rock, TX

I highly recommend the School of Worship Program.  I give it a 10 out of 10. School of Worship Program provides sound doctrine  and biblical teaching on living for God as a dance worshipper. You will also learn dance techniques and etiquette. This program is outstanding. It changed my life forever.

Are you ready to



School of Worship

The next set of classes begin August 29, 2022   
Register below.


The Online School of Worship is designed to help praise and worship dancers grow in holiness and expand their dance vocabulary. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!!!!

What you will need for this class:

1. Tripod

2. Video Editing Software/App

3. A Personal YouTube Channel

4. Radio/Device to Play Music 

5. Space to Dance

6. Email Account

7. Black T-Shirt and black dance pants

General info for you:

1. A code will be emailed to you to access the private page to take your class (check your spam mail)

2. A new class will post each Monday. YOU CAN WATCH THE VIDEO ANYTIME AFTER IT IS POSTED

3. Homework assignments are due each Monday 

4. Classes include Bible teaching, technical dance training, and choreography

5. A PDF workbook (on your class page) have weekly written assignments.  Please download and print it to keep up with the class

6. Adults ONLY - 21 and older


Next Class begins March 10, 2025

Registration is $75 (due today when you fill out the form below)

Monthly Tuition is $125 per month, starting the month class begins. Your first tuition payment is due March 10, 2025. 

School of Worship Registration

Registration is $75, each month thereafter the course is $125 per month for the next 9 months.

​Enrollment Terms: Payments are due monthly by the 5th of each month. Late payments will incur a $35 fee. After three late payments, the student will be removed from the program. If the student withdraws from the program or is dismissed for any reason, they will be responsible for the remaining balance of $125 per month tuition for remaining months of the nine month duration of the program. 

Thanks for registering!

Yet Praise Dance Company reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who will adhere to or comply with our religious beliefs, program expectations, etc. No refunds will be given  for dismissal from programs facilitated by Yet Praise Dance Company. We do not offer refunds or exchanges or transfers for any services offered on our website.



SOW has been life-changing I’ve gained so much wisdom as to how to be an effective dance minister and leader. My relationship with God has grown tremendously! The choreography challenged me because I had placed so many limitations on myself but since being a part of SOW I have become more confident.

School of Worship Graduate

Guyana, South America

I'm Danisa, from Guyana 🇬🇾 South America, I literally don't know how to start sharing my unexplainable experience with school of Worship.  I remember the first time I heard about the program I told myself I don't want to be apart because I couldn't do it I thought but with encouraging from my best friend I signed up anyways, as I constantly thought about it the fear kept building,  eventually starting classes I realized that S.O.W is more than a program it's a safe space with no judgment. S.O.W, blew my mind it was more that I expected apart from choreograph I loved the whole aspect of being fed spiritually that's a plus one words can't explain how amazing journey it was , praise be to God  I haven't regret one day I so thankful that I didn't allow myself to be stuck in my comfort zone because of fear . Miss Racheal I love you and I'm blessed to have you In my life .

School of Worship Graduate

Longwood, FL

School of Worship ( SOW) is a school that exemplifies excellence, while operating in the spirit of grace under the leadership of Mrs Rachel Frazier. 


At each of the three levels attained, I have received thorough instruction, great discipline and Devine choreography. 


My Journey with SOW has proven to be highly informative and enlightening.    

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